
Keeping the faith : race, politics, and social development in Jacksonville, Florida, 1940-1970

Abel A. Bartley. -- Greenwood Press, 2000. -- (Contributions in American history ; no. 184). <BB10058111>

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0001 図書館 洋プラ下層 316.853//F64 0122051204 0件
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標題および責任表示 Keeping the faith : race, politics, and social development in Jacksonville, Florida, 1940-1970 / Abel A. Bartley
出版・頒布事項 Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press , 2000
形態事項 xvii, 177 p., [8] p. of plates : ill., ports. ; 25 cm
ISBN 0313310351
書誌構造リンク Contributions in American history <BB07001290> no. 184//a
注記 Includes bibliographical references (p. [169]-174) and index
学情ID BA55682628
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク *Bartley, Abel A., 1965- <>
分類標目 LCC:F319.J1
分類標目 DC21:305.896/073075912
件名標目等 Afro-Americans -- Civil rights -- Florida -- Jacksonville -- History -- 20th century
件名標目等 Afro-Americans -- Florida -- Jacksonville -- Politics and government
件名標目等 Jacksonville (Fla.) -- Race relations
件名標目等 Jacksonville (Fla.) -- Politics and government -- 20th century