
Towards a dual income tax? : Scandinavian and Austrian experiences

by Leif Mutén ... [et al.]. -- Kluwer Law International, 1996. -- (EFS / Foundation for European Fiscal Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam ; 4). <BB02050947>

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標題および責任表示 Towards a dual income tax? : Scandinavian and Austrian experiences / by Leif Mutén ... [et al.]
出版・頒布事項 London : Kluwer Law International , 1996
形態事項 89 p. ; 24 cm
ISBN 9041109285
書誌構造リンク EFS / Foundation for European Fiscal Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam <BB07010334> 4//a
注記 "Symposium papers" - preface
注記 "This brochure is the fourth in a new series initiated by the Foundation ... " - cover
注記 Bibliography: p. 87
学情ID BA30004514
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク Mutén, Leif, 1928- <AU00148961>
著者標目リンク Foundation for European Fiscal Studies <AU00132842>
分類標目 DC20:336.2409436
件名標目等 Income tax -- Austria
件名標目等 Income tax -- Scandinavia