
The structure of persuasive discourse : a cross-cultural analysis of the language in American and Japanese television commercials

by Tetsuo Kumatoridani. -- University Microfilms International, 1982. <BB10090573>

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請求記号 801.03//F151
資料ID 0122136724
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標題および責任表示 The structure of persuasive discourse : a cross-cultural analysis of the language in American and Japanese television commercials / by Tetsuo Kumatoridani
出版・頒布事項 Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms International , 1982
形態事項 vii, 252 p. : ill. ; 21 cm
注記 Reprint of the author's thesis (Ph.D.)--Georgetown University, 1982
注記 Bibliography: p. 231-252
学情ID BA07347564
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク *熊取谷, 哲夫||クマトリダニ, テツオ <AU10034626>
件名標目等 Comparative linguistics
件名標目等 Semiotics
件名標目等 Japanese language -- Jargon
件名標目等 English language -- Jargon
件名標目等 Television advertising -- Japan
件名標目等 Television advertising -- United States