
Technology and work : East-West comparison

edited by Peter Grootings. -- Croom Helm, 1986. <BB02045781>

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0001 図書館 洋プラ下層 366//F30 0120419395 0件
No. 0001
所蔵館 図書館
配置場所 洋プラ下層
請求記号 366//F30
資料ID 0120419395
予約 0件


標題および責任表示 Technology and work : East-West comparison / edited by Peter Grootings
出版・頒布事項 London ; Dover, N.H. : Croom Helm ; in association with the European Co-ordination Centre for Research and Documentation in Social Sciences, c1986
形態事項 304 p. : ill. ; 23 cm
ISBN 0709938012
注記 Chiefly papers derived from an international seminar held in Bled, Yugoslavia in late 1981, organized by the Vienna Centre and the Yugoslav Center for Theory and Practice of Self-Management Edvard Kardelj
注記 Includes bibliographies and index
学情ID BA00455944
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク Grootings, Peter, 1951- <AU00030009>
著者標目リンク European Coordination Centre for Research and Documentation in Social Sciences <AU00023449>
著者標目リンク *Jugoslovenski centar za teoriju i praksu samoupravljanja Edvard Kardelj <AU00030010>
分類標目 LCC:HC244.Z9
分類標目 DC19:303.4/83
件名標目等 Technological innovations -- Europe, Eastern -- Congresses
件名標目等 Technological innovations -- Europe -- Congresses
件名標目等 Labor and laboring classes -- Europe, Eastern -- Congresses
件名標目等 Labor and laboring classes -- Europe -- Congresses