Musashi University Library


神道史學會. -- 創刊號 (昭28.1)-. -- 神道史學會, 1953. <SB01002936>

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No. Call No Volume Available Years/Months Accession status
0001 Z170.5//1 1(1-4), 2(1-5), 3-17, 18(1-4), 19(3-4), 20(1, 5-6), 21(2-6), 22(3-6), 23-68 1953-2020 Accession continuing
No. 0001
Call No Z170.5//1
Volume 1(1-4), 2(1-5), 3-17, 18(1-4), 19(3-4), 20(1, 5-6), 21(2-6), 22(3-6), 23-68
Available Years/Months 1953-2020
Accession status Accession continuing

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 神道史研究 / 神道史學會
シントウシ ケンキュウ
Volumes and Years of Serial 創刊號 (昭28.1)-
publication,distribution,etc.,area 京都 : 神道史學會 , 1953.1-
variant titles その他のタイトル:The Shinto history review
note 刊行頻度: 季刊 (-2003)→年2回刊 (2004-)
note 出版地変更: 京都→伊勢
note 51卷3・4號 (平15.7・10)の裏表紙タイトル: The Shinto history review
NCID AN00122275
text language code Japanese
frequency of publication code Twice a year
ISSN 05830702
author link 神道史学会||シントウシ ガッカイ <AU00064908>